Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Dreaded Doms

Wow sore is not the right word for how my muscles are feeling right now. However as the saying goes no pain no gain!

I’m just hoping I’m doing it right and they are only hurting because it’s something new.

The one thing the insanity workout has really taught me is how important form is, and getting the positioning right is more important that doing things fast. It’s all about having control and your holding your core.
The worst thing is the lift is broken at work, so I’m having to use the stairs (once i’ve done my workouts I’m generally pretty lazy) i guess at least I’m burning a few extra calories!

So it was day 2 of the Jim Stoppani Bodybuilding beginner’s programme i kept at the same weights as Monday, and it was really hard doing it whilst feeling a bit sore, but once I’d loosened up i did feel a bit better. 

I’d dreading waking up tomorrow in pain though. What do you all do for sore muscles ?I know plenty of sleep and protein will help repair them but how do you cope when you have doms?
So for tea tonight, i cooked a courgette lasagne, i like to cook something vegetarian once a week, just for a change and to have a break from meat
It was bloody lovely, and my meat loving boyfriend really enjoyed it too.
I get majority of my recipes from BBC Good Food. The main reason for this is they have a massive collection, and they always have the calories and nutritional information at the bottom. Perfect for me because i can still cook all my favourite foods whilst making sure I’m on still on the right track.
Also people leave feedback so if everyone’s saying it’s disgusting you don’t bother cooking it!! J
So now tea’s over and done with i think I’m going to watch crap on TV, play with my Degus :D and head to bed for an early night.

Hopefully I’ll not be too sore tomorrow.
Love Me xxx

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